Values and Code of Ethics Policy

Statement of Values

A code of ethics is built on the foundation of widely shared values. These values include:

  • Commitment to the public good;
  • Accountability to the public;
  • Commitment beyond the law;
  • Respect for the worth and dignity of individuals;
  • Inclusiveness and social justice;
  • Respect for pluralism and diversity
  • Transparency, integrity and honesty;
  • Responsible stewardship of resources; and,
  • Commitment to excellence and to maintaining the public trust.

These values lead directly to the Code of Ethics.  These values inform and guide the actions that NAICU will take in developing its policies and informing its practices. 

Code of Ethics

I. Personal and Professional Integrity

All staff and board members of NAICU act with honesty, integrity and openness in all their dealings as representatives of the association. NAICU promotes a working environment that values respect, fairness and integrity. 

II. Mission

NAICU has a clearly stated mission and purpose, approved by the Board of Directors, in pursuit of the public good. All of its programs support that mission and all who work for or on behalf of the NAICU understand and are loyal to that mission and purpose. The mission is responsive to the constituencies and communities served by NAICU and of value to the society at large.

III. Governance

NAICU has an active governing body, its Board of  Directors, that is responsible for setting the mission and strategic direction of NAICU and oversight of the finances, operations, and policies of the association. The governing body:

  • Ensures that its board members have the requisite skills and experience to carry out their duties and that all members understand and fulfill their governance duties acting for the benefit of the association and its public purpose;
  • Has a conflict of interest policy that ensures that any conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof are avoided or appropriately managed through disclosure, recusal or other means;
  • Is responsible for the hiring and firing of the chief executive officer, and ensures, through its board compensation committee, that the evaluation and compensation of the chief executive officer is reasonable and appropriate;
  • Ensures that the CEO and appropriate staff provide the governing body with timely and comprehensive information so that the governing body can effectively carry out its duties;
  • Ensures that the association conducts all transactions and dealings with integrity and honesty;
  • Ensures that the association promotes working relationships with board members and staff, and program beneficiaries that are based on mutual respect, fairness and openness;
  • Ensures that the association is fair and inclusive in its hiring and promotion policies and practices for all board and staff positions;
  • Ensures that policies of the association are in writing, clearly articulated and officially adopted;
  • Ensures that the resources of the association are responsibly and prudently managed; and,
  • Ensures that the association has the capacity to carry out its programs effectively.


IV. Legal Compliance

NAICU is knowledgeable of and complies with all laws, regulations and applicable international conventions.

V. Responsible Stewardship 

NAICU manages its funds responsibly and prudently. This includes the following considerations:

  • It spends a reasonable percentage of its annual budget on programs in pursuance of its mission;
  • It spends an adequate amount on administrative expenses to ensure effective accounting systems, internal controls, competent staff, and other expenditures critical to professional management;
  • NAICU compensates staff, and any others who may receive compensation, reasonably and appropriately;
  • NAICU does not accumulate operating funds excessively;
  • NAICU ensures that all spending practices and policies are fair, reasonable and appropriate to fulfill its mission; and,
  • All financial reports are factually accurate and complete in all material respects.


VI. Openness and Disclosure

NAICU provides comprehensive and timely information to the public and its membership and is responsive in a timely manner to reasonable requests for information. All information about NAICU fully and honestly reflects the policies and practices of NAICU. Basic informational data about NAICU, such as the Form 990, is made available upon request. All financial, organizational, and program reports are complete and accurate in all material respects.

VII. Inclusiveness and Diversity

NAICU has a policy of promoting inclusiveness and its staff and board reflect diversity in order to enrich its programmatic effectiveness. NAICU takes meaningful steps to promote inclusiveness in its hiring, retention, promotion, board recruitment and constituencies served.

Approved By:   NAICU Board of Directors
Date:  February 7, 2006