April 06, 2018
PODCAST: President, Provost Discuss Education Funding, Pell Grants, PROSPER Act
Concerns over student debt and funding mechanisms for higher education have triggered a variety of policy proposals by federal and state governments. But some of the proposals have threatened students' ability to access the very education that can propel them forward and increase their own impact on their communities.
Webster University President Elizabeth (Beth) J. Stroble and Provost Julian Schuster stopped by Webster's Galaxy Radio to discuss recent federal funding news for higher education, including news Pell Grants, SOE Grants and work study, plus on-going proposals to revise the PROSPER Act, and how they directly affect Webster students.
Webster University President Elizabeth (Beth) J. Stroble and Provost Julian Schuster stopped by Webster's Galaxy Radio to discuss recent federal funding news for higher education, including news Pell Grants, SOE Grants and work study, plus on-going proposals to revise the PROSPER Act, and how they directly affect Webster students.