August 13, 2018
Kaiwen’s Acquisition of Westminster Choir College Proceeds
Westminster Choir College (NJ), the storied institution from which Spoleto Festival USA’s Westminster Choir comes, will remain in Princeton, N.J., after sometimes contentious debate over its fiscal well-being and fate.
Its parent school, Rider University (NJ), is selling the choir college to Kaiwen Education, a private school operator based in Beijing, China. Rider will operate the choir college through June 2019, then relinquish control to Kaiwen, according to a press release.
Its parent school, Rider University (NJ), is selling the choir college to Kaiwen Education, a private school operator based in Beijing, China. Rider will operate the choir college through June 2019, then relinquish control to Kaiwen, according to a press release.