August 19, 2019
Albright College's 'Right-Size' Tuition Adjustment Annoys, Confuses Some Students
Erin Smith was studying for finals in the Albright College library in December when a loud cheer went up across the room. Students were reading an email from the school on their phones and thought they'd received great news. Most prominent in the letter about the school's plan to "right-size" tuition were large, bold-faced numbers showing there would be a 45% drop in tuition price, and a 34% reduction in total cost to attend Albright in 2019-20. Smith wasn't among those celebrating, though, because she suspected that if Albright was cutting tuition, it was also reducing scholarships and grants. A section of the letter confirmed she was right, saying the change "will result in financial aid scaling that aligns with our new tuition right-sizing."