NACIQI to Meet in September
Subject to the appointment of all members to the body, the newly constituted National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) will meet on September 14-16.
NACIQI is the body that advises the Secretary of Education regarding the recognition of accreditation agencies. The Higher Education Opportunity Act disbanded the committee and reconstituted it - making changes in the appointment process. Previously, all members of the panel had been appointed by the Secretary. The "new NACIQI" provides for 18 members: six appointed by the Secretary; six appointed by the Senate; and six appointed by the House of Representatives. The Secretary and the Senate have appointed their members. The House has not yet done so.
NACIQI has not met since June 2008. The group is scheduled to review seven compliance reports and consider 11 petitions for renewal of recognition. Written comments regarding any of the agencies under review are to be submitted by e-mail ( no later than May 23.
More detailed information about the meeting and a list of the agencies being reviewed may be found in the April 23 Federal Register (pages 21280-2).
NACIQI Appointees Named as of April 23, 2010
Earl Lewis, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Emory University
Susan Phillips, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, University at Albany, State University of New York
Jamienne Studley, President and CEO, Public Advocates Inc.
Aron Shimles, Student, Occidental College
Frank Wu, Professor, Howard University Law School
Frederico Zargoza, Vice Chancellor of Economic and Workforce Development, Alamo CollegesBruce Cole, Former Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities
Daniel Klaich, Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer, Nevada System of Higher Education
Anne Neal, President, American Council of Trustees and Alumni
Michael Poliakoff, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research, the University of Colorado
Cameron Staples, Member, Connecticut State House of Representatives
Larry Vanderhoef, Chancellor Emeritus, University of California, Davis
For more information, please contact:
Tim Powers