Washington Update

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Seeks Award Nominees

The Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Annual Award recognizes exemplary partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions that are striving to achieve the systems and policy changes needed to overcome the root causes of health, social and economic inequalities. 

The award highlights the power and potential of community-campus partnerships as a strategy for social justice.  The 2010 award will be announced and recognized during a ceremony at CCPH's next conference, May 12-15, 2010.

Partnerships nominate themselves and need not be members of CCPH.  Partnerships that have applied in the past but did not receive the award or honorable mentions may re-submit. The organization welcomes nominations from any country or nation.  Past awardees and honorable mentions have come from Canada, Peru, South Africa, and the United States.

Nominations are due no later than Feb 1, 2010.

For the nomination guidelines, visit the CCPH Web site.  Also posted on the site is information on past awardees, answers to frequently asked questions and other resources.

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