Converting to Direct Loans- Getting Started
If your institution have not yet begun the direct loan conversion process, you might want to get underway as soon as possible. Start by going to the Department of Education's "Direct Loans - Getting Started" page.
Once you have signed up, you will be assigned a "Point of Contact" (an actual person) who will lead you through the process. Typically, you will be contacted within 24 hours of your request, and will be walked through how to set up all of the necessary components of a Direct Loan account, and how to have your Current Funding Level established.
Another useful resource might be the "Checklist for Transition to Direct Loans" (PDF) jointly developed by NASFAA and the Department of Education.
The Department has said that they will stick with colleges throughout the process until they are up and running. However, if you have any difficulties in getting the assistance you need, please contact NAICU's Director of Student Aid Policy, Maureen Budetti (, and she will help you get the necessary support.
For more information, please contact:
Maureen Budetti