Washington Update

Blue Campaign to Combat Human Trafficking

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has launched the Blue Campaign, a department-wide initiative to combat human trafficking through public awareness, victim assistance programs, and law enforcement training initiatives.  DHS hopes their efforts will help end modern day slavery.

The Blue Campaign's name and symbol were chosen by DHS to evoke the "thin blue line" of law enforcement, as well as two established global anti-human trafficking symbols:  the Blue Blindfold of the United Kingdom Human Trafficking Center, and the Blue Heart, developed by the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, to help raise international awareness about the issue.

The Blue Campaign has developed outreach tools to help citizens learn to identify and properly report indicators of human trafficking.  The tools include social media, multilingual public awareness campaigns, and a new comprehensive one-stop website. The website links to a fact sheet detailing the numerous aspects of the campaign across the Department.

DHS has asked NAICU to help raise awareness of the issue as well as promote the materials and services they have to offer.  Through NAICU's work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency on disaster relief for our members, the association has developed a working relationship with DHS, which houses FEMA, through its Private Sector Office.

For more information, please contact:
Bo Newsome

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