Washington Update

Census 2020 Looks to Colleges and Universities to Help Ensure an Accurate Count

In an effort to ensure a complete and accurate count of students and campus communities, the U.S. Census Bureau, which falls under the U.S. Department of Commerce, wrote to college presidents asking for support in encouraging completion of the upcoming 2020 Census.
NAICU, a leader in promoting civic engagement with its members, agreed to help raise awareness among college leaders about the importance of ensuring that students are appropriately counted.  The U.S. Census Bureau has created a toolkit to help campuses promote the various activities leading up to Census Day on April 1, 2020.  By this date, every home in the United States and its five territories will have received an invitation to participate in the Census.  Also, during the month of April is when Census takers are expected to visit students living on college campuses.  
Information collected in the Census will inform the allocation of more than $675 billion in federal funds for states and communities each year. That includes money for:
  • Adult education grants
  • Agriculture, science, and engineering education
  • Student wellness programs
  • The Medical Assistance Program
  • Community mental health services
As part of its effort to encourage participation in the 2020 Census, the Bureau has also created a series of resources for students and colleges and universities, as well as Census 101: What You Need to Know fact sheet.
The Census Bureau also notes that the effort to ensure an accurate count of citizens will result in nearly 500,000 Census Taker jobs ideal for students that offer hourly wages between $13-30 per hour and flexible hours.

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