Washington Update

Institutional Accountability Negotiated Rulemaking Committee Members Named

The Institutional and Programmatic Eligibility Committee, a new negotiated rulemaking committee formed by the Department of Education to focus on institutional accountability, has announced the names of those who will serve as facilitators and negotiators. The following negotiators will represent the private, nonprofit sector of higher education when the committee begins its work on January 18: 
  • Kelli Hudson Perry, assistant vice president for finance and controller, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NAICU-member institution)
  • Emmanual A. Guillory, director of student and institutional aid policy, NAICU
Additionally, Beverly Hogan, former president of Tougaloo College, and Ashley Schofield, associate vice president for fiscal affairs at Claflin University, both NAICU-member institutions, will be serving as negotiators representing Minority-Serving Institutions. It’s significant that three NAICU members, as well as Guillory, are serving as negotiators on this important committee.   

The issue papers that include the topics negotiators will discuss were distributed and will soon be made available to the public on the Department’s website. At the end of each day the committee meets, 30 minutes will be set aside for public comment. To request time to comment, please send the name of the speaker, as well as the name of the organization, if applicable, to negreghearing@ed.gov no later than 12:00 p.m. EST on the day of the meeting. (Meeting dates can be found on the Department’s website.) 

Comments, suggestions, policy proposals, or questions regarding the negotiated rulemaking process, can be sent to Guillory at emmanual@naicu.edu

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