Protecting the independence of private, nonprofit institutions, and ensuring that all students, regardless of family income, have access to higher education, are the prisms through which NAICU views its policy choices and courses of action. In its simplest form, NAICU’s policy mission focuses on student aid, tax policy and appropriate regulation.
Below are additional NAICU resources to assist member institutions.

Advocacy Tools and Resources
Below are resources for NAICU members to use when reaching out to members of Congress.
- Federal Higher Education Issues Summary. Learn NAICU’s positions on range of federal higher education from our two-page leave behind on public policy topics.
- Action Alerts on key actions taken by Congress or the Administration.
- Home & Away talking points to help with conversations with policy makers.
- Comment Letters and Letters to Capitol Hill. NAICU sends or signs-on to letters to Congress or key Administration officials on important public policy or regulatory issues.
- The Congressional Independent Colleges Caucus, launched in 2017, started the 118th Congress with 73 members, including 71 Representatives and 2 Senators.
- NAICU's Policy Statement for the 119th Congress, highlight our key legislative objectives.
- Payment in Lieu of Taxes. Increasingly, private, nonprofit colleges and universities are facing the ongoing challenge of defending their nonprofit tax status. Knowing that these issues erupt in very different forms and at different times in states, NAICU developed a resource page that includes case studies, legal briefs, news reports and proven strategies to be used as a reference for NAICU members facing similar circumstances.

Congressional Talking Points
NAICU encourages member presidents to meet with their Congressional delegation whenever possible. Whether you are in Washington, DC, or Congress is in a state/district work period and your representatives are home, these meetings are opportunities to advocate on behalf of private, nonprofit higher education. NAICU has prepared talking points to help you convey and address the many issues currently facing private, nonprofit higher education.

Student Aid Alliance
Support the work of a coalition of 80 higher education organizations united in support of federal student aid. The Student Aid Alliance is raising awareness about the importance of federal student aid to America’s future via the Twitter campaign #SaveStudentAid.

Section 127 Coalition
The Section 127 Coalition represents a diverse array of organizations, including trade associations, higher education institutions, and private employers dedicated to preserving and strengthening employer-provided educational assistance.
Federal Issues Brief
Learn NAICU’s positions on range of federal higher education from our two-page leave behind on public policy topics.
Letters to Congress & the Administration
NAICU sends or signs-on to letters to Congress or key Administration officials on important public policy or regulatory issues.
Congressional Caucus
The Congressional Independent Colleges Caucus, launched in 2017, started the 118th Congress with 73 members, including 71 Representatives and 2 Senators.
Free Public College
Track the advance of free public college programs across the country on this special webpage. Learn about the features offered in each state and view the news and opinion articles written about these quickly growing programs.
Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) Resources
Increasingly, private, nonprofit colleges and universities are facing the ongoing challenge of defending their nonprofit tax status. Knowing that these issues erupt in very different forms and at different times in states, NAICU developed a resource page that includes case studies, legal briefs, news reports and proven strategies to be used as a reference for NAICU members facing similar circumstances.

Contact Congress
Below are resources for NAICU members to use when reaching out to members of Congress.
The New DEI Guidance: Legalities, Practicalities, and Political Considerations
February 21, 2025
The Road Ahead: Federal Policy Outlook for Private, Nonprofit Higher Education
December 9, 2024
NAICU Policy Statement
View the NAICU Public Policy Objectives for the 118th Congress.