James McGovern (D-MA)
Rep. Jim McGovern has represented the Second District of Massachusetts since 2013. The district is located in central Massachusetts and stretches from Worcester to Northampton to Northfield. He has been the top Democrat on the House Rules Committee since 2018, serving as chairman during the 116th and 117th Congress and as Ranking Member in the 118th Congress. Rep. McGovern also is a member of the Committee on Agriculture and has been a global leader in the fight to end hunger.
Rep. McGovern attended American University, earning a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in public administration.
Colleges and universities located in Rep. McGovern’s district:
• Amherst College • Anna Maria College • Assumption University • Clark University |
• College of the Holy Cross • Hampshire College • Smith College • Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Q&A with Jim McGovern
As the representative for a district that is the proud home of eight NAICU member institutions, and as the graduate of a private, non-profit university myself, it has always been important to me to support these institutions of higher education. These schools are just some of the many institutions that help provide a top-notch education to the thousands of students who choose to continue their learning in Massachusetts, and I proudly advocate for them as a member of the Congressional Independent Colleges Caucus.
Some of the most innovative and exciting research in the state is coming out of the institutions in my district. My office has worked closely with these schools to help secure federal funding to support students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, all of our schools are instrumental partners in the larger communities in which they reside—they provide jobs and opportunities for community learning and engagement.
At American University, I learned how to think critically and fight for what I believe in. Our colleges and universities should be incubators of discussion and debate. They should be breeding grounds for intellectual growth—that’s what American University was to me and I’m forever grateful for it. American also allowed me the opportunity to intern for Sen. George McGovern (no relation). This opportunity quite literally set me on the path for my career—I worked on Sen. McGovern’s presidential campaign and then as an aide to former Congressman Joe Moakley for many years before eventually running for office myself. The resources American University provided me kickstarted a lifelong career in public service.
Massachusetts by the Numbers
Mary Lou Retelle
“Rep. James P. McGovern is a steadfast advocate for Anna Maria College, championing educational initiatives that benefit our students and faculty. His effectiveness as a legislator is evident in his ability to identify the needs of his constituents and secure vital funding to enhance academic and economic opportunities within our district. We are most pleased to collaborate with Congressman McGovern in ways that align with our mission of public service and community involvement.”
-- Mary Lou Retelle
President, Anna Maria College
Sarah Willie-LeBreton, Ph.D.
"Rep. McGovern is a champion for higher education and is responsive to our needs. I am deeply grateful for his dedication to advocating on our behalf in Washington."
-- Sarah Willie-LeBreton, Ph.D.
President, Smith College
Michael A. Elliott, Ph.D.
"On a recent visit to Washington D.C., I [thanked] Rep. McGovern for his deep commitment to higher education and support of the federal Pell Grant program and student loan affordability initiatives in particular. His efforts have supported generations of Amherst students who have been able to graduate from college with very little or no debt. His leadership in this area and his advocacy of programs involving literacy, wounded veterans, school lunches, and economic revitalization have been game-changing for our region and nation."
-- Michael A. Elliott, Ph.D.
President, Amherst College