Summary of key legislative and policy issues impacting private, nonprofit higher education
Below is an index of Issue Briefs on over three dozen policy areas affecting private, nonprofit higher education. Written by NAICU's government relations experts, each brief contains an overview of the issue covered, a legislative history and additional background, relevant coverage in NAICU’s Washington Update e-newsletter, and additional resources to help readers better understand aspects of a particular issue.
- Accreditation
- Affirmative Action
- Anti-Trust
- Borrower Defense
- Campus Safety
- Charitable Giving
- College Scorecard
- Deregulation
- Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance
- Endowments
- Federal Work-Study
- Financial Responsibility Standards
- Free Public College
- Gainful Employment
- HEA Reauthorization
- Immigration
- Institutional Aid (Title III and Title V Institutions)
- International Education
- Major by Major Eligibility
- Need Analysis
- Net Price Calculators
- Overtime Rule
- Pell Grants
- Political Campaign Activity
- Privacy
- Program Integrity
- Risk-Sharing
- Sexual Assault and Sex Discrimination on Campus
- State Authorization
- State Authorization - Distance Education
- State Student Grant Aid
- Student Aid Funding
- Student Debt
- Student Loans
- Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants
- Tax Benefits for Students and Families
- Tax Code Section 127
- Veterans & Military Student Benefits