Accreditation has proven highly successful over the years. The existence of an effective non-governmental means for assessing academic quality makes possible the diversity and independence of U.S. institutions of higher education. As such, any changes made to accreditation must take into account individual institutions and their missions and must respect institutional autonomy.
Although accreditation long predates the enactment of the Higher Education Act (HEA), it is now an integral part of establishing institutional eligibility to participate in federal student aid programs. Thus, it is appropriate that there be some standards for the recognition of accreditors. However, accrediting agencies must not become surrogate government enforcement agencies, and uniformity should not be imposed on institutions in the name of accountability. In addition, the frank and open discussions that are essential to the success of the accreditation process must not be undermined through excessive disclosure requirements.
Maintaining an appropriate balance among institutions, accreditors, and the federal government has always been challenging. These challenges have grown as policymakers have envisioned more robust roles for accreditation in dealing with fraudulent institutions, assessing new education services and providers, and measuring student and institutional achievement. It is critical that policymakers seek an appropriate balance between assuring federal accountability and preserving distinctive institutional missions and approaches. In addition, they must avoid assigning to accreditors responsibilities that they are neither designed nor equipped to handle.
Accreditation is a process of peer review and self-study designed to assist institutions of higher education in maintaining and enhancing the quality of their educational offerings. It has allowed a diversity of institutions to flourish through its mission-based approach—helping make American higher education the standard for the world.
Accreditation is also a key component in establishing institutional eligibility to participate in federal student aid programs. As policymakers have sought to expand the role that accreditation plays in higher education, it has become increasingly challenging to maintain an appropriate balance among institutions, accreditors, and the federal government.
Federal Accreditation Policy
Since its enactment in 1965, the HEA has required institutions to be accredited by a recognized accreditor in order to participate in federal student aid programs. More detailed accreditation requirements were included in the 1992 amendments to the Act as part of a broader effort to protect program integrity.
In the early 2000s, the Department of Education attempted to use the accreditation process to require colleges and universities to adopt “bright-line” measures of student achievement. This effort prompted a strong response from the leadership of the six major educational associations, who concluded the efforts of the Department would fundamentally change the relationship among accreditors, institutions, and the federal government. Congress responded by including a provision in the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) that prohibits the Department from regulating student achievement standards. The HEOA also revised the appointment process to the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI), which advises the Secretary of Education about the recognition of accreditation agencies.
Subsequently, concern about fraud and abuse in the student aid programs led to the issuance of regulations that included a federal definition of a “credit hour,” and assigned enforcement of the definition to accrediting agencies. Many members of Congress have also asserted that accreditors should play a central role in combatting fraud and abuse. Similarly, the role of accreditation in the evaluation of non-traditional education providers has been the subject of wide-ranging discussions by policy analysts and lawmakers.
Any attempt to reauthorize the HEA is likely to produce changes in accreditation policy. Many legislators on both sides of the aisle appear to believe the current system of accreditation is insufficiently focused on outcomes. This view is reflected in HEA reauthorization bills proposed by House Republicans and Democrats in recent years. Although the bills – the Republicans' PROSPER Act and the Democrats' Aim Higher Act and it's successor the College Affordability Act – varied considerably in many respects, each of the proposals would have required accreditors to shift from focusing on educational inputs to focusing on educational outputs. Similar bills have reemerged in subsequent congressional sessions, including bills that contain more controversial proposals, such as states as accreditors.
Accreditation requirements have also been the subject of regulatory action. For example, in 2019, the Department of Education published final regulations that revised requirements governing the federal recognition of accreditation agencies. Among other things, the rules allowed more flexibility for accreditors and institutions to innovate, reemphasize the importance of institutional mission, and allowed regional accreditors to consider applications from outside their traditional regions. In 2024, the Department established a negotiated rulemaking committee to once again amend the accreditation regulations, but this effort is currently on hold.
- Be engaged with the accreditation process. Peer review can be effective only so long as practitioners are actively involved.
- Let your Senators and Representative know about the value and importance of maintaining an independent accreditation system.
- Negotiated Rulemaking for Higher Education 2023-2024 - Department of Education
- Rethinking Higher Education: Accreditation Reform - Department of Education white paper (December 2018)
- Negotiated Rulemaking for Higher Education 2018-19 – Department of Education
- About Accreditation - Council for Higher Education Accreditation
- Accreditation in the United States – Department of Education
- NACIQI Portal
- List of Federally Recognized Accreditors
- Assuring Academic Quality in the 21st Century: Self-Regulation in a New Era - National Task Force on Institutional Accreditation – American Council on Education – June 2012.
Jody Feder:
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