HEA Title I, Section 120
Quick Take:
Institutions will have additional responsibilities under the existing drug and alcohol requirements, including determining:
- The number of drug and alcohol-related incidents and fatalities occurring on campus, or as part of an institution's activities, that are reported to campus officials
- The number and type of sanctions imposed as a result of such incidents and fatalities
When Will This Take Effect?
This provision went into effect when the bill was signed into law on August 14, 2008. The new information should be incorporated into the biennial review (already required under existing drug and alcohol requirements) the institution submits after this date. It is not subject to negotiated rulemaking. However, the Department could choose to issue clarifying regulations on this new provision.
Who on Campus May Need to Be Involved?
Student life; security/campus police; student health services; any other campus officials who report or enforce institutional drug and alcohol policies.
Additional Resources
HEA101 Web Keyword for More Information: DrugPrevention