HEA: Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP)

HEA Title IV, Section 407

Quick Take:

Special LEAP (a grant program to states to promote innovative college access programs) was replaced with a new partnership program called Grants for Access and Persistence (GAP). The new program is intended to expand college access and provide need‑based grants to low‑income students by enhancing partnership with states and institutions, outreach and early preparation programs, private corporations, philanthropies and community‑based organizations. States will apply for the grants with institutions as partners. For those participating in the existing Special LEAP program, the law allows for two years of carry-over for activities already underway.

When Will This Take Effect?

This provision went into effect when the bill was signed into law on August 14, 2008. It is subject to negotiated rulemaking, so grant application schedules will not be published until the program goes through that process.

Who on Campus May Need to Be Involved?

Financial aid; admissions; government relations; community relations; other serving as liaison with state higher education officials

Additional Resources

Statuatory Language


HEA101 Web Keyword for More Information: LEAP