HEA Title I, Section 133
Quick Take:
Colleges will be required, "to the maximum extent practicable," to disclose information on required textbooks on all Internet-based course schedules. Required information includes ISBN and retail price for both textbooks and supplemental material. The provision does not apply to printed course schedules. The institution also must provide (as soon as practicable) information on courses -- including schedule, required books and supplemental material, and class size -- upon the request of a college book store. Many other textbook provisions are directed at publishers, but they indirectly affect institutions.
When Will This Take Effect?
July 1, 2010. The law prohibits the Secretary from issuing regulations on the textbook provisions. (Report language indicates that the conferees recognize that the Secretary may need to provide non-regulatory guidance on these provisions.)
Who on Campus May Need to Be Involved?
Academic affairs; faculty; book store; webmaster; registrar
Additional Resources
HEA101 Web Keyword for More Information: Textbooks