The items that Congress chooses to study often foreshadow the development of more extensive policy proposals (e.g., the 1998 amendments included a study of transfer of credit). Title XI of the recently-passed Higher Education Act provides for 24 new studies, including:
Studies Related to Data Collection
Employment of Postsecondary Education Graduates
To be conducted by the General Accountability Office (GAO), this is the possible prelude to extensive collection of post-graduate information. (statutory language (Section 1102))
Study on IPEDS
GAO study of IPEDS burden that also examines the feasibility of collecting additional information breaking down graduation rates by several categories, including income. (statutory language (Section 1103))
Developing Additional Measures of Degree Completion
Secretary and Commissioner for Education Statistics are to make recommendations about alternative ways to measure and report completion rates. (statutory language
(Section 1118))
Endowment Study
GAO analysis of the amounts, uses, and public purposes of the endowments of institutions of higher education. (statutory language (Section 1111))
Studies Related to Student Aid
Study of Aid to Less-Than-Half-Time Students (statutory language (Section 1113))
Study of Regional Sensitivity in the Need Analysis Formula (statutory language
(Section 1114))
Study of the Impact of Student Loan Debt on Public Service (statutory language
(Section 1115))
Report on Income Contingent Repayment Through the Income Tax Withholding System (statutory language (Section 1117))
Study and Report on Nonindividual Information
GAO study of the impact of lenders not offering private label loans to students at colleges with low graduation rates, high default rates, or certain types of institutional accreditation. (statutory language (Section 1122))
Feasibility Study for Student Loan Clearinghouse
GAO study on development of a student loan clearinghouse on the Department of Education Web site. (statutory language (Section 1123))
Study of the Financial and Compliance Audits of the Federal Student Loan Program
Study of Model Financial Aid Offer Form
The Secretary to evaluate the current financial aid offer forms used by colleges, toward creating a single, national disclosure. Recommendations for such a model are due to Congress in August 2009. (statutory language (Section 1119))
Other Studies of Interest
Report and Study on Articulation Agreements (statutory language (Section 1104))
Report on Proprietary Institutions
Report deals with the 90/10 rule (mandating that for profit schools derive at least 10 percent of their revenue from sources other than federal student-aid funds). (statutory language (Section 1105))
Department of Education Oversight of Incentive Compensation Ban
GAO study of Department of Education enforcement of the ban on incentive compensation. (statutory language (Section 1124))
Summit on Sustainability
To be convened by the Secretary of Education in consultation with the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency by September 30, 2010. (statutory language (Section 1120))
Other Studies Mandated in HEOA
- Foreign Graduate Medical Schools (Section 1101)
- Analysis of Federal Regulations on Institutions of Higher Education (Section 1106)
- Independent Evaluation of Distance Education Programs (Section 1107)
- Review of Costs & Benefits of Environmental, Health, & Safety Standards (Section 1108)
- Study of Minority Male Academic Achievement (Section 1109)
- Study on Bias in Standardized Tests (Section 1110)
- Study of Correctional Postsecondary Education (Section 1112)
- Study on Teaching Students with Reading Disabilities (Section 1116)
- Study of the Financial & Compliance Audits of the Federal Student Loan Program (Section 1119)
- Nursing School Capacity (Section 1121)