
NAICU Webinar: FEMA Experts Answer Questions About COVID-related Expenses

(Recording not available)

January 20, 2022

Federal Vaccine Rules: Implications for Institutions

November 17, 2021


American Rescue Plan Act HEERF III Funds

May 13, 2021


COVID-19 Relief-Update 

March 25, 2021


COVID Relief Q&A with Diane Auer Jones

January 19, 2021


Update on Pending COVID-19 Relief Legislation

August 3, 2020


Re-Opening Campus in a Pandemic: What You Need to Know

July 30, 2020

Sponsored by: Brooksource & Medasource


A Conversation with Diane Auer Jones,
U.S. Department of Education: CARES Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund 

May 4, 2020

(NAICU login and password required)


2020 CARES Act: Implementation FAQs and New Developments

April 23, 2020


2020 CARES Act: Implementation FAQs and New Developments

April 22, 2020


2020 CARES Act: Funding Details and Navigating the Grants Process         

April 14, 2020


COVID-19: Overview of Federal Guidance and Proposed 
Congressional Action

March 20, 2020

Advocacy Letters

Below are letters written to Congress and federal departments and agencies signed onto by NAICU in support of our members and their concerns, by topic.

Charitable Giving

Financial Relief for Institutions and Students

Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act

International Students

Liability Protections


