Washington Update

College Scorecard Adds Data on Loan Repayment

The Department of Education has updated the College Scorecard by adding new data about student loan repayment to the consumer information tool for students and families.  The Department also announced that it will add program-level data about student loan repayment rates next week.

Specifically, the updated Scorecard now contains information about the percentage of borrowers who fall into eight loan repayment categories two years after entering repayment. The new loan repayment categories are: paid in full, making progress, delinquency, forbearance, default, not making progress, deferment, and loans discharged.

In addition to this more detailed breakdown of student loan repayment status, the Scorecard now shows the percentage of student loans paid down by entire cohorts of students one, four, five, ten, and 20 years after entering repayment. 

In a stated effort to increase transparency, the Trump Administration has taken several steps to revise the Scorecard in recent years. Last month, for example, the Department added program-level data on median earnings two years after students graduate.

For more information, please contact:
Jody Feder

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